Beachcomber hot tub pumps

In Beachcomber hot tubs the pumps that power the jets are made by Waterway and labelled Massage Master XLT. These pumps are made to specific specifications for Beachcomber hot tubs and have a different performance level then the standard off the shelf pumps that Waterway makes. The Massage Master XLT pumps will typically have a 56-frame electric motor and the HP is normally rated as 2.5HP, 3.5HP or 4.5HP.

These pumps have a greater performance efficiency rating then the standard Waterway pumps and therefore should only be replaced with the same rated pumps.

At Pool and Hot Tub Depot we carry the complete range of compatible replacement pumps for the Beachcomber Massage Master XLT pumps. The replacement pumps are the same efficiency rating and performance as the Massage Master XLT pump and also made by Waterway.

Replacement Waterway pumps for Beachcomber hot tubs.

The Beachcomber 500 and 700 series hot tubs have different pump options and configuration available for each model in the series. The 500 series can have up to 2 pumps plus the hush pump and a blower for the fully loaded model. The 700 series is the largest in the model line up and offers many pump options up to 3 pumps.

Beachcomber 300 series are the smaller size hot tubs with different pumps that can run on 120 volts or 230 volts. Pool and Hot Tub Depot carries compatible replacement pumps from Waterway for the smaller 120 or 230 volt pumps found in the 300 series hot tub models.

When selecting a replacement Waterway pump to power the jets in your Beachcomber hot tub, regardless of its age, it’s always suggested to match the replacement pump with the same performance pump from Waterway.


Replacements pumps for the the Massage Master XLT Series.

View the PF-25-2N22C replacement pump,

View the PF-35-2N22C replacement pump,

View the PF-45-2N22C replacement pump,