Fix a Leak

Leaks in your hot tub or pool can be hard to pin down. Where is all this water coming from and what parts will you need to replace to fix the leak? This can be a troublesome and sometimes expensive process. Fix a Leak is a great place to start for holes and cracks as large as 1/8 inch in diameter.


How It Works

Fix a Leak is a liquid product that gets poured directly into your hot tub water and is actually heavier than the water. After adding the Fix a Leak to your water, you’ll need to run your pumps continuously for the next 12 hours to keep the liquid in suspension for best results. While the pumps are running, the Fix a Leak product is circulating throughout your hot tub and settling into any small cracks or crevices that might be present. Within a few days, the product will cure and, in most cases, effectively seal your leak for the next 1-2 years.


How to Use

  1. Determine how much water you're losing by measuring the water level drop in a 24 hour period
  2. Fill your hot tub back to original water level and mark where your water line is
  3. Remove your filter cartridge and any other filtering devices you may have - for pools with sand filters, switch the filter valve to Recirculate
  4. Place your bottle of Fix a Leak into a container of hot water, then shake well to make sure product is thoroughly mixed
  5. Turn pumps on
  6. Slowly add Fix a Leak product through the skimmer
  7. Continue to circulate your water for 6-12 hours, then shut system off
  8. The next day, check your water level to see if the leak has stopped (your water level will not have dropped)
  9. Wait at least 48 hours before using your hot tub again. It is recommended to wait until the product has completely cured and the remainder of Fix a Leak has been filtered out



If possible, the manufacturer recommends draining your spa/hot tub and immediately cleaning your shell surface with a damp cloth to remove any traces of Fix a Leak. Leaving your hot tub drained for 3-5 days will allow the product to properly cure.

In cases where the weather is freezing or you are unable to drain your hot tub, you can filter out the remaining product with your filter cartridge. Run the hot tub for a few hours and then immediately remove and thoroughly rinse your filter cartridge with warm water to remove any residual product.


Fix a Leak is a simple and economical way to repair small leaks in your pool or hot tub. Find it here at Pool and Hot Tub Depot, and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.