Green Spa Water

If you have ever gone to use your spa and the water looks more like a potion right out of a fairy tale than your normal soothing soak, it can be quite alarming. Though the water in hot tubs can become red, white, brown and every colour in between, green is one of the most common colours your normally crystal clear water can be. Since most of us don’t have a magic wand to hocus pocus our water clear, here are some of the causes and quick solutions for green water.


The first step to tackling green water is to try and determine the underlying cause, whether it be organic growth or minerals in the water. Testing your water using water test strips is a great first step to determine whether your chemical balance is within normal range. If any of your chemical levels are not balanced, add the appropriate products to correct and stabilize your alkalinity, pH or sanitizer in the water.


If your hot tub is green and the sides feel slimy you know you most likely have an algae bloom started in the water. Doing a shock treatment to the spa and giving your hot tub filter a really good clean should do the trick in returning your water to clean and clear. It is very important to keep your sanitizer levels consistent and at adequate level to help keep bacteria and organic matter from running rampant in your spa.


If your hot tub water is green but the sides don’t feel slippery the cause of the colour change may be minerals in the water. Copper or magnesium can be dissolved in the water, and make their presence known by colouring your water. Adding a pre-filter to your garden hose when filling can help to remove the minerals before they enter your spa. Another option is adding Spa Clear to the water to clump the minerals together and allow your filter to remove it from your water.


If you find that the water still has a green hue, your bathing suit may be the culprit. Occasionally the dye from your bathing suit can leach into the water. This should not affect your chemical levels and will dissipate over time on its own. The final solution if all else fails is to empty your spa and start fresh, give the surface a good clean and fill with fresh clean water.


To keep your spa happy and healthy and your water fresh and clean, remember that regular water testing is key to keeping chemical levels balanced. It is also recommended to schedule a regular renewal of the water approximately every 90 days to keep your spa running at optimal performance.