Replacing Your Hot Tub Pillows

Between the exposure to chemicals used in your spa and the hair products which can rub off from hot tub users, your spa head rests can really take a beating. Unfortunately once your pillows have discoloured or deteriorated the only way to remedy this cosmetic problem is to replace the pillows. But how do you know which pillows are the correct replacements?

1. Identify your brand of hot tub. Spa pillows are specifically made for each specific brand of spa, and another brand’s head rests may look similar but are generally not cross compatible due to differences in the curve or shape of the mould, size, or mounting brackets.

2. Measure your old spa pillow. Usual dimensions required are the length, height, and specific information for the mounting on the back including any pins or holes and the distance between them.

3. Check out the Spa Pillows section on our website and select your brand of spa. Locate the pillow that closest matches yours and verify the dimensions listed match your existing pillow. Note that depending on how old and how deteriorated your head rests are, they can and often do shrink by up to an inch over time.

4. If you don’t see your brand of spa, or are having trouble identifying which spa pillow you need, we can help! Just snap a picture of the front and back with measurements and email them to our parts department at

5. Unfortunately some makes and models of head rests have been discontinued and are no longer made by the manufacturer; if this is the case for you a Deluxe Spa Pillow may work as a generic replacement. We always recommend verifying the dimensions of the area where you would like to place the pillow to ensure a great fit.