If you're looking to diagnose your hot tub error codes, you may need to identify your spa pack brand first. Different spa packs and spa brands have their own set of error codes, but two commonly used are Balboa Error Codes and Gecko Error Codes. It's important to note that Balboa Error Codes are applicable to all circuit boards manufactured by Balboa, even those customized for brands like Cal Spas, Marquis Spas, Master Spas, Jacuzzi, Sundance, and more.
Click on any Blue error code below for a description of causes, troubleshooting and repair information.
Balboa Error Codes
- pd: Power supply on battery
- OH: Sensors reading 112-118F
- OHH: Overheat. One sensor has detected 118º. Spa has shut down.
- OHS: Overheat. One sensor has detected 110º. Spa has shut down.
- Flo: flow/pressure switch error
- Cool: Water temp 20 degrees below set point
- ICE: Potential freeze condition
- Sn1: Hi-limit sensor failure
- Sn3: Temp sensor malfunction
- Sna: Sensor A fail
- Snb: Sensor B fail
- SnS: Sensors out of balance. If alternating with temp, may be temporary condition.
- HFL: Substantial difference between temp sensors detected. Could indicate a flow problem
- LF: Persistent low flow problems. (Displays on the 5th occurrence of "HFL" message with 24 hours). Heater is shut down, but other spa functions run normally.
- dr: Inadequate flow in heater.
- dry: Inadequate flow in heater. (Displays on third occurrence of "dr" message)
- Pr: When spa is first actuated, it will go into Priming Mode
- ---: Unknown water temp.
- Std: Spa operating in Standard Mode.
- Ecn: Spa operating in Economy Mode.
- SE: Spa operating in Standard-in-Economy Mode.
- ILOC: Interlock failure - possible pump/ozone spike
CTI Error Codes
- thl/39: temp probe problem
- th2/current temp: temp probe problem
- th3/39: water temp below 39° F
- OH: water over 112° F. System will restart when temp. drops
- hot: water over 112° F. System will restart when temp. drops
- HL: High limit switch tripped
Dream Maker Error Codes
- OH: Overheat 108° F, spa is deactivated.
- FL: Flow. Pressure switch not working
- SN: Non functional high temperature sensor. Heater is deactivated
- F2: 4 hours daily filtration
- F4: 8 hours daily filtration
- F6 : 12 hours daily filtration
- FC : continuous filtration
EasyPak Error Codes
- C: Celsius
- CL: Current Time of Day
- ECdu: Econo Mode Duration
- Econ: Econo Mode Turn On
- F: Fahrenheit
- Fldu: Filter Cycle Duration
- Flon: Filter Cycle Turn On
- FLC: Pressure Switch Alarm
- FLO: Pressure Switch Alarm
- FrEE: Freeze Protection Alarm
- HL: High Temperature Alarm
- Loc: Panel / Keypad Locked
- PrH: Temperature Sensors Alarm
- Prr: Temperature Sensors Alarm
- Tu: Temp Set Celsius
- Tu: Temp Set F
- AOH: Temp in Equipment compartment too high
- FLO: Pressure switch failure, switch open
- FLC: Pressure switch failure, switch closed
- FrE: Possible freeze condition
- Flashing Display
- 3 Flashing Dots
- 3 Flashing Dots & LED
- HL: Sensor measuring 119F
- Prr: Temp sensor failure
- Prh: Hi-limit sensor failure
Gecko SP Codes (Spa Packs)
- SP-HR: hardware error
- SP-BR: breaker setting to low
- SP-IN: Input voltage low
- SP-F1,F2 or F3: Fuse 1,2 or blown
- SP-OT: Temp inside skirt high
- SP-OH: Water temp over 112F
Gecko RH Codes (Heater)
- RH-HR: Heater Hardware error
- RH-NH: Heat attempted & failed
- RH-NF: No flow in heater
- RH-NC: Comm error to Pack
- RH-HL: Heater Hi Limit
Gecko Accessory Codes
- P1, P2 or P3-ER: Pump 1,2 or 3 failure
- CP-ER: Circ pump failure
- BL-ER: Blower failure
- O3-Er: Ozone error
- A1/A2-ER: Aux. system error
- FN-ER: Fan failure
- FB-ER: Fiber optic failure
- SC-ER: System learning failure
Jacuzzi Error Codes
- OH : Overheat Protection (Heater is deactivated, pumps low speed is activated)
- COOL : temp 20° F cooler than set point
- FLO* : Flow Switch (heater is deactivated. Pump may also be deactivated)
- FLO2 : Closed or shorted flow switch on system startup
- Hold : Panel pressed too many times in a short period of time
- HOT : Circuit Board temp exceeded acceptable limit
- ICE : Freeze protection.No action is necessary
- I CE2 : Freeze protection.No action is necessary
- PnL : Communication error between the panel and circuit board
- ---- : "Watchdog" problem detected
- Sn1 : Open/Shorted sensor
- Sn3 : Open /shorted sensor FLO2: Closed/shorted flow switch at startup
Pinnacle Spas Error Codes
- OH: Temperature has exceeded 110° F
- SN: Sensor failure
- FL: Flow/pressure switch stuck in closed position
Spa Builders By Gecko Error Codes
- Sn1: Nonfunctional high temp sensor.
- Sn2: Nonfunctional temp sensor.
- FL1: Water flow problem, pressure switch malfunction. Check for low water level and ensure pump is primed. Check for clogged filter
- FL2: Pressure switch problem. Switch closed while pump is deactivated
- COL: Cool condition. If water temp drops 20ºF below set temp, low speed pump and heater activates to bring temp within 15º of set temp
- ICE: Freeze condition. 55ºF detected. Low speed pump and heater will activate until spa reaches 65ºF
- OH: High temperature condition, has reached 110ºF. Low speed pump (and air blower if equipped) will activate to lower temp
- ---: "Watchdog". Water temp has reached 118ºF.
Spa Quip Error Codes
- err 1 (H20) : Prime Failed
- err 3: Stuck Button
- err 4 : No Water Sensor
- err 5 : Over temp
- err 6 : Thermal Cut Out Tripped
- err 7 : Stuck Relay
- err 8 : No Temp Data
- 01: Stuck Button
- 02: No Controller Data
- 03: Temp Sensor
- 04: Water Sensor
- 05: Spa Over Temp
- 06: Heater Thermal Cut Out
- 07: Stuck Heater Relay
- 09: Water Prime Failed
Sundance Spas Error Codes
- COL: Temp 20F below set point
- ILOC: Interlock failure - possible pump/ozone spike
- FLO/FL1/FL2: Flow/Pressure switch malfunction
- Hold: Panel buttons pressed to many times/quickly
- HOT: PCB temperature above acceptable limit - air blower on
- ICE: Potential freeze condition
- Pnl: Communication between PCB and panel interrupted
- Sn1: Hi-limit sensor failure
- Sn3: Temp sensor failure
- ---: "Watchdog" problem detected (possible temp /hi-limit error)
Vita Spas Error Codes
- HiLi: Water tem over acceptable limit
- BJ2P: Pump/Blower purge - normal condition
- FP: Freeze protect mode - temp under acceptable condition
- SS=0;SS=S;LS=O;LS=S : Multiple causes; open sensors, bad connection or voltage